Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ana Juan

Speaking of illustrators ..... I adore Ana!

First found her through the children's book, Frida, a life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo with text by Jonah Winter. I even have her frida illustration tattooed on my inner arm with a banner reading..what else...." once upon a time". So, clearly her visions have a hold on me.

Her work has been featured all over the world notably including, the New Yorker. Her style, Naïve... bold, yet soft, has that slightly dark fairytale narrative...just lovely.

She ventures into dolls, wood, paper..well, you can look for yourself at her adorable site here

Although I appreciate the beauty of dolls and the work that goes into them, I'm not a collector...yet I wouldn't mind at all to own Ana's Snow's not a typical disney influenced snow white you see so's digital print on cotton with removable clothes to 30. i love it! e-mail me at if you want to ship her to me ;0) Only 300.00 !
A steal ! ( i love that it's in grey tones).. The doll is based on the book "snow white" ( delightfully Gorey-ish) for which she provided illustration.

Anyway, Ana resides in Madrid Spain and has agreed to allow me to take her portrait if I make it out there next year!

Now..where did my suitcase go?.....right... humming by the door, always.